”Lena Claxton and Alison Woo, How to Say It: Marketing with New Media New York: Prentice Hall, 2008, 35. Graphics should also help create a mood, or a feeling of location. The use of case study solution graphics needs to be utterly regarded as a result of they slow case look at solution loading of a site. “When to Use Graphics on Your Website,” Improve case study answer Web, May 9, 2007, accessed December 1, 2011, t has been shown that excellent photographs boost revenue and enhance case look at solution visitor experience. “Consumers who browse merchandise on websites want to see case study solution products they’re because for purchase represented by case examine solution highest quality image feasible…People don’t buy what they cannot see, so case look at solution better case look at solution quality and determination of imagery, case study solution greater results could be. ”Dave Young, “Quality Images Boost Sales,” Practical eCommerce, March 14, 2007, accessed December 1, 2011, uality Images Boost Sales. In case look at solution first half of case look at answer year, Daewoo Shipbuilding suffered a net loss of 1. 19 trillion won $1. 08 billion, with its debt ratio exceeding 7,000 percent. The shipbuilder said it’ll complete case examine answer sale of its headquarters building in downtown Seoul by case study answer end of case look at answer month, a deal valued at 180 billion won, with noncore property to be sold in case examine answer near future. Last week, case study answer shipbuilder said it should seek to cut its staff by some 1,000 via an early retirement application amid a chronic industrywide hunch. In October of last year, some 300 employees left Daewoo Shipbuilding via an early retirement scheme.